New Study: Pneumonia Vaccine Clinical Trial

Pneumonia Vaccine Clinical Study

Clinical Research Associates is now accepting new patients to a phase 3 clinical trial for pneumonia vaccines. You can join us if you meet eligible criteria by signing up here or by calling us at (615) 329-2222. Patients who complete the study will receive $355 in compensation.

This study is for adults 18 – 49 years of age who have not had a pneumonia vaccination, or have not had a pneumonia vaccine since the age of 5.

Pneumococcal disease is one of the single largest vaccine-preventable causes of death in children and older adults 65 of age, because there are vaccines available for this age group.

However, there is an unmet need for vaccines for additional pneumonia subtypes.  This study will evaluate the safety, effectiveness and tolerability of different lots of a research vaccine compared to a marketed approved pneumonia vaccine (Pneumovax 23).

Who Can Join?

You may be eligible to join this trial if you:

  • Are 18-49 years old.
  • Have not had a recent pneumococcal disease.
  • Have not had a pneumococcal disease since childhood.

What do Participants Need to do?

  • Receive one (1) injection.
  • Make two (2) office visits.
  • Complete three (3) phone calls
  • Keep a diary for 30 days.

Click here to join the study or call us at (615) 329-2222 for more information. You can help us bring new pneumonia vaccines to market!

Clinical Research Associates, Inc. and this study were recently featured on Nashville News Channel 5. Click this link to read about the study and hear from Dr. Stephan Sharp, medical director for CRA.

Read more about pneumonia vaccines.